Growing up in Iran, the land of literature, poetry, and metaphors, nurtured my special connection to words and their magical ability to create different realities.
The ruptures of migration led me to embrace the revolutionary attributes of storytelling and transform my life into a self-exploration story, a reconciliation poem.
My artistic practice is an honest reflection of my existential and sensual experience of being in the world: a conjunction of the different worlds that I have lived, loved, and feared.
The complexity and simplicity of existence, the absence and presence of different forms of life, befriending conflicts, and traversing the endless metamorphic and therapeutic powers of the arts and the artistic process are the core of my artistic practice.
Tehran, Iran, 1987–2005 Stepping into the world
Toronto, Canada 2005-2014 BA in mixed media arts and design and exploring life from the “I” of an artist
Berlin, Germany, 2014–2020: sensitizing into and stabilizing in the world of transdisciplinary arts, co-creation, and research
Potsdam, Germany, 2020-present: immersing in nature, MA in Expressive Arts Therapy with a minor in psychology, developing and facilitating workshops as an artistic medium, and film as a tool for researching human experience
Visit for my research, education, and therapeutic work.